Wednesday 2 January 2013

I dreamed a dream...

I've just booked tickets to the Les Miserables movie...

I do like the odd musical and Les Mis has definitely captured my imagination, a scintillating story, majestic melodies and amazing action.

A story of salvation, a picture of hope, a promise for a better future...

I dreamed a dream is one of the memorable songs of the stage show and I imagine, the movie
Fontaine, played by Anne Hathaway sings this song as a prostitute. She dreamt of what had been, reflecting on her dreams of what could have been...

This new year.... 

What are you dreams?

Are you reflecting on dreams that you once dreamed? 

I believe that God gives us dreams. These, matched with our gifts, talents and abilities can become reality. Will you get on board with God's dreams and see them become reality this year

.... even if it's a dream you dreamed a long time ago?

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