Thursday, 19 March 2009

Lessons from Numbers 11

The Israelites were complaining about their hardships. They had forgotten about the triumph of God in bringing them out of Egypt and began to crave food and get angry because they could not have what they wanted. (Numbers 11:1-4)
So much so that they looked back to their days of slavery, they remembered the food they ate which in comparison to manna was luxury.

They forgot that manna was God's heaven sent provision for them whilst in the desert. They forgot it was God that had brought them out of the slavery that they had so fervently complained about.

In the calling of Moses (Ex 3-4), we see that Moses doubted if He was the man to lead the people out of Egypt. He didn't think he had the correct characteristics, yet he was God's chosen man. Again in Numbers 11 (10-15) we catch a glimpse of this part of Moses' character. "the burden is too heavey for me" (14)

God provides the people with quail, meat as they asked. Yet his anger burns against his people. Why?

1. The complaints of the Israelits caused their gaze to be diverted from the provision of God onto their lack. Their focus turned from God onto themselves

2. Their greed caused them to want more than they needed

3. Their complaints had caused others, including Moses to complain, this attitude was becoming epidemic

So what does this mean for us today?

1. When we start complaining our attention diverts from God onto ourselves
2. The complaints of others can cause us to become complainers

As I read Numbers 11 which seems such an incomplete story the recurring theme became apparent to me. God deserves the place of honour in our lives. Through his revelation he has made that apparent to us, yet it's really easy to want what others have, yet when we develop this attitude our gaze can quickly fall from God onto ourselves. God desires His followers to look to Him through all and He will provide!

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