Monday, 23 February 2009

Worship is a language

I came across a great quote from a guy called Peter Fink.

"Worship is a language, and the church must always question itself if it is using the language honestly. To the extent where the living members of the praying church back by their lives what they say in ritual, to that extent their ritual will be honest and credible"

What a great way of thinking about worship. A language that we all speak and Christians speak in reference to the worth of their God. Is that language being used honestly?? If it was the result would be radical living, faithful obedience and a life where Christ is truly first! Indeed if we were truly speaking the language of worship we would be displaying in our lives what we profess through the ritual of the weekly "worship service". In turn, as a result of a Christ centred life we would become more authentic in our ritual.

Let's be people who display in their lives what they pray and say on a Sunday!!

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