Monday 23 November 2009


This weekend I spent the weekend in Eastbourne at Youthwork the Conference with Mr Chris Kidd. I had a brilliant weekend of thinking, reflecting, meeting, worshipping, listening, eating, praying etc. It was great to get away from my ministry setting and reflect on it!

On the retreat day we were thinking about the desert and dry times in ministry. Part of that was focusing on the idea of resonant frequencies. Now, I am no physicist but I learnt that materials have resonant frequencies. If you sing a perfect note you can smash a wine glass because of its resonant frequency. I'd hear that one before, but apparently if you place two violins in the same room they play each other because of the resonant frequency! An amazing and interesting mystery - but - what has it to do with youthwork?

If the note is slightly off key the wine glass will not smash, if the violins are not out of tune with each other they won't play each other. The question.... Are our lives resounding or is there a clash?

Our lives will be resounding when they connect with the very heart of God. When our hearts break for what breaks God's heart, when our passions and desires line up with God's, when our lives honour God with all they are. When our lives resound we'll see God do amazing things because we'll be working on what is God doing and not just doing what we're working on.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Really glad you had a good time, it's been great reading all your thoughts, keep them coming.