Thursday 22 October 2009

Worship: Articulation and Manipulation

Today I was at college and we thought about the subject of Alternative Worship.

We talked about how the worship leader (whether charismatic sung worship or traditional liturgical worship) has something that they wish to articulate through the worship.

It maybe the choice of songs are based around a particular theme or it maybe through the liturgy that we come to a place of repentance before coming to the Lord's table. Our times of corporate worship exist to articulate something, our beliefs and our values, our faith and our theology.

However, sometimes that message is articulated in a way that to some seems manipulative. The God channels are a prime example. The televised services are articulating a certain message, to many they prove to be a faith growing, uplifting experience. They provide teaching and give the opportunity to respond in your own living room or by contacting them. But, for others the experience may seem like manipulation, existing to attract and then to evoke a response which could include financial giving.

If we relate to the articulation of worship (whatever form it takes) it evokes a positive reaction, however if we feel the articulation of worship is manipulative then it evokes a cynical reaction.

Worship and church causes us to respond in many different ways, often quite extremely. We know what we like! We know what we relate to, we know when and how we feel God's presence. For some that is in silence and contemplation, where for others it is in the decibels of a worship gig!

What do you think? How do you feel when you worship? Does any worship experience make you uncomfortable to the point you feel manipulated? What form of articulation do you relate to most?

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