Tuesday 20 October 2009


Well, I haven't blogged for a while, but felt inspired today to write something by a bunch of elderly ladies!

I was speaking at 'An Hour Together' today on the subject of fear. After which we had the obligatory cup of tea (made in the pot) and a good old chat. It was really insightful because the folks started talking about their childhoods sharing stories of how they used to be packed up with a lunchbox and lemonade and would go off for a day!

It was really interesting because one comment particularly stood out to me and it was about the level of freedom they had in their childhood to today.

With all the concerns for our children, with all the stories we hear in the news of child molesters and paedophiles we seek to look after our young people. With the use of the internet, mobile phones more is accessible, but it struck me today that accessibility does not equal freedom.

Many of the young people in the area I work and live have lots, but they don't necessarily have freedom!
That's part and parcel of the world we live in today I suppose but as I was listening to those young people I was saddened by this fact, because as those older people recalled their childhoods they did so with such joy!

Do you think we can re-find that freedom in todays world?

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