Monday, 16 June 2008


If God is for us, who can be against us

I come back time and time to the fact that we are just people, with finite minds, limited understanding and created beings!

God created and God creates! He is the infinite, He is all understanding, He is the creator!

I don't know about you, but so often I forget who I am in relation to God.

I am chosen as a son, called to be a mouthpiece, made to be a servant with God as the very centre of all my energies and attention! The Bible speaks of all that God by his grace calls me and you to be!

I forget that sometimes! Actually I forget that most of the time!

I try and elevate myself, I try and place power in my own understanding, I try and take the praise and glory for myself!

I've been learning to pray a prayer that holds with it a denial of my human self. I hope it helps if you may be wrestling with your place in relation to God. God is all powerful and if He is for us, who can be against us. This should bring us great confidence in trusting in Him through all things!

Dear Lord,
I lay myself before you today
May You increase in my life whilst I decrease
I pick up my cross and follow You, I deny myself, my flesh and pray that I might be led by your Holy Spirit
In the name of Christ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i LoVe tHe PraYeR toDaY..

KeeP tHe FaiTh, mY FrienD iN CHRIST,