Thursday, 19 June 2008

Husbands... your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25

As I sat in a prayer meeting this very morning this amazing verse came into my mind. The thought was sparked by someones prayer regarding Christ interceeding on our behalf. If Christ interceedes for us surely that means that He is listening to us. He hears and knows our hearts?

If that is true what does it mean for Christian marriage?

Husbands, listen to your wives, care for them through iniquity and adverse cicumstance, come alongside them in their time of need and rejoice in their joys, and interceede for them.

But, lets not leave it there, If that's what Christ does for us because he intimately cares for us, then shouldn't it be so that we reflect these same expressions of love to the world in which we live.

I believe that if we start to get to grips with the things that break the very heart of God then we will start to understand the mission of God and the place that we have in seeing that come to pass.

Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it
People of God, love the world as God loves the world and gave His son for it

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