Take for example the exile of the Israelites to Babylon in the 6th century. The people were exiled because they did not obey God, they went after their own lusts and greeds and followed their own gods.
So God gave them over to exile!
Isaiah the prophet who lived 150 years before this occurrence prophesied of judgment on the nation that did not follow God but chose to obey their own precepts and wills. The Babylonians invaded and the people were exiled from the land they were given as an inheritance. Isaiah also prophesied that redemption would follow. See Isaiah 42:18-25 and Isaiah 43. The first verse of Isaiah 43 starts with:
and Isaiah speaks of God summoning His people by name, calling them to be His people once more and to be witnesses to a dying and hurting world.
The word BUT signifies something that has passed, in this occasion a situation that resulted from disobedience, but the word also gives a second chance. BUT allows us to learn from the past and move into the present and onto the future. The word BUT is great because it gives us a great insight into God. It should teach us what we shouldn't be doing and lead us to what God calls us to do.
The grace and love of God says BUT! We should be given over to our situation, we should probably be exiled, we deserve the punishment that our sin should bring BUT God sent His son to pay the price that we so deserved.
God proclaims BUT over us! Once for all.
We have sinned, BUT
What might the BUT of our current situations be?
I am struggling with.......... BUT through the grace of God I can stand and live
I find it hard to............... BUT God's wisdom is above and beyond even what I can see in that situation
God says BUT because of His great love and compassion for a sinful people. What a great promise, and what a reason to praise and worship Him!
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