Monday, 17 March 2008


We all have influence. No matter who we are or what we do we all have influence.
We also have the choice of the nature of that influence.
As a leader I want to be a good influence and example to the young people for whom I have responsibility!

You have influence and God wants you to use it for HIS glory!

Sometime ago I had a conversation with someone about how there weren't many people coming to a certain group. I outlined who was coming and the problem was that this person didn't know any of them. My reply was to invite their friends.

Often the idea of inviting friends to church events is one of instant fear... 'what will they think of it, what will they think of me, what if it is embarrassing, what if they say no maybe some of the thought processes that run through our minds.

The reality is that I cannot have huge influence upon the people you know, but you can!
I am humbled and amazed at the web counter on my blog. It is up to nearly 4000 and however inaccurate that probably is, it is a reminder to me that people to read this and I pray are influenced by it.

DL Moody in his book Overcoming Life puts it brilliantly; What God wants you to do is use the influence you have

We have influence, no question about it, let's use it not for our own gain which will be short lived but for God's gain which is everlasting!

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