Monday 25 February 2008


For lent I made the mistake of not really thinking through what I was going to give up.
To put this in context, I have never given anything up for lent before, growing up I had a friend who each year gave up chocolate, it seemed like forced hardship to me!!

But, this year I decided to give up desserts excluding fruit, all snacks and coffee. Well I have done well on the coffee, but have decided to give up on giving up desserts and snacks!

I know, I know not very good!! But, the thing is I was just giving up things for the sake of it. I have been convicted by the thought that I am trying to give up things to honour God when actually the basics are not all there. So the remainder of lent for me is about getting the basics right before trying to do other things...

So what does that really mean.
I'm going to study God's word, pray, and worship every day
I'm going to make conversation with people I've never met before
I'm going to help the person who is struggling
I'm going to read more Christian literature
I'm going to write songs and spend time developing my God-given gifts.

So my lent has changed course, I'm setting objectives because I want my life to be deeply grounded in the truth of God. I believe that a life truly submitted to God has the potential to impact a generation and nation for Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Libby Cooper said...

Good plans JK, I look forward to seeing your growth and also hearing your new tunes... love the new look blog btw... ;)