Tuesday 2 October 2007


If there is one thing that I have realised and been taught recently, it's that numbers do not matter.
In youth and church ministry it is really easy to compare different activities and events by the number of people who attend. In some cases this is a good indicator, but it cannot be the sole indicator.
I was challenged some time ago to continue running youth activities even if there were only a handful of young people. It strikes me that Jesus ministered to the 5,000; he disicpled the 12 and he spent time and loved the ones and twos.

Last night was a great example of this. We had youth cell. For one reason or another we have lost some young people. Whether it's from families moving on, or the young people getting older and deciding not to come along. Last night we had 2 people at youth cell. It can be disheartening especially when you've advertised it and planned the whole session.


Last night with 4 people gathered in a room (2 young people, 2 leaders - good ratios) we dreamt and imagined what God could do in and through our lives. We dreamt of how he may not just impact those who go to church, but how God may impact those who have never even thought of God or church. It was a really exciting session as we came before the almighty God willing to be used for his glory.

Some great ideas came out of that cell, and we are going to follow them up as we feel they're God prompted.

Someone said youth work can be the most draining, tiring job ever, but also it can be the most rewarding. It is for moments like last night that I live for. Where 2 or 3 are gathered and God turns up. Where young people want to be used by God. Where the overflow of God's missional heart impacts the hearts of people.

Numbers really do not matter!

1 comment:

Libby Cooper said...

Amen bro! I'm so gutted I missed it but I prayed A LOT so maybe it worked!! It took me over three hours in the end to travel 37 miles - ridiculous! So so glad for your encouragedness xx