Friday, 7 March 2014

Risky Gospel by Owen Strachan

I was drawn to the title of this book because one of my resolutions at the start of the year was to take more risks. Risks that take me out of my comfort zone and cause me to trust in God. Owen Strachan presents the thought that the only way to live in a place of risk, in a place of vibrant place of faith where we de-centralise control from ourselves over to God. I found this book helpful because it engages with the struggles of an ordinary Christian: how do I keep my faith vibrant, fresh and risky in light of the busyness and circumstance of life? He outlines that which many of us already know: That fear, uncertainty and comfort can cripple us moving into a place of risk taking for the gospel and outlines how we can move beyond that. I appreciated the challenge that it presents in your lap to take faith deeper and further. This book is a call and challenge to re-discover the Jesus and Gospel of the Bible, and in doing so we realise that the risk isn't that much of a risk after all!

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