Friday, 27 November 2009

Youthwork conference : Stand out points

Last weekend I attended youthwork the conference down in Eastbourne. There were far too many aspects that I noted down to write a concise and interesting blog so below I have shared some of the golden nuggets that I took from the different talks. Maybe they'll provoke further questions and thoughts:

Pete Greig:
"The idea of transformation is right at the heart of God, We preach the good news by becoming the good news."

"If we're going to step into the things God is going to do through us it will often include times of wilderness"

SAT NAV theology : "If we turn the wrong way God re-calibrates a route to where He wants us to go, sometimes that means going back to where we came from, but often it means going a different way that gets us back on track"

Ruth Valerio:
"If we're used to seeing the Bible as boring, then the only way to change is to come before God asking Him to create a hunger within us"

"We often think of meditation as static, it's not - it's active"

"We can't make ourselves grow up in God, we can only put ourselves in a framework where natural growth happens"

Mike Pilavachi:
"The hardest place to look good is at home"

"What is the gospel we are proclaiming and is it faithful to the gospel of Christ"

"What we are is what we re-produce, What we model is what our young people will become"

Jim Wallis:
"The mission of the kids we lead is to clear up the confusion about Christianity"

"God is personal, but never private"

"Spiritual activity doesn't get to be called revival until it changes something in society"

"If our gospel isn't good news to the poor then it isn't the gospel of Jesus Christ"

What were the nuggets that stood out to you?

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