Thursday, 2 July 2009

Walk to work

Without a car I have been forced to walk to work for the past few weeks and in this beautiful weather it has been absolutely brilliant! The five minute drive was convenient but non-essential and the walk gives me time to look forward to the day, get my thoughts together and pray.

I don't know about you but i've always found praying hard, I tried to do it in the car but the concentration of driving, the radio and road rage weren't always conducive to time with God, but now I walk I find it really great to pray in preparation for the day. So today I prayed for Sawyers Church, and yesterday I prayed for friends and family, to be quite honest, things I probably wouldn't have found the time to do if I had driven.

I'm actually enjoying not having a car, sure, it can be frustrating at times, but I don't really need one, and the time I would have been driving is being spent much more productively! I wonder if I feel the same when the rain comes again??!!

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