Friday 20 August 2010

The Language of Love and Respect, Cracking the Communication Code with your mate by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

In this book Dr. Eggerichs explores what he understands to be the major problem in most marriages, that of communication. He suggests that women and men have different needs, namely that the husband needs respect and the wife needs love, and outlines approaches and suggestions for addressing the communication problems in your marriage.

I was somewhat skeptical of this book as I assumed it would be a self-help kind of book, whilst elements of this do sneek in, the book is well written, simple to understand and apply. I found myself relating to much of Dr.Eggerichs observations and often read aloud certain suggestions to my wife. This book holds lots of truth and advice that, whilst basic, could make a huge difference in any marriage. Having been married for two years it provided me a challenge on where I can input to build our marriage. Love and respect are words that are often overused so would have liked a fuller explanation into what the author understands by those words. Overall, this book is an interesting and challenging read and I would suggest it to anyone who is considering marriage or is already married.

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