Wednesday 2 December 2009

Youth Cell

First things first, this is my 200th post - a mini landmark I feel after leaving the blogging community for some time!

Secondly, a thought from our older youth cell this evening.
We were discussing about where they feel they are in terms of faith, when we asked this they all admitted to believing in God, wanting to move on with God and be in better places. To grow in their discipleship journey with Jesus.

When we explored this deeper they all related experiences such as SOLID, Delirious concert, Watoto Uganda to times of spiritual highs in their lives. These experiences of joy and being with other Christians really boosted them.

In the same sentences they all also mentioned that they felt they were dropping from those spiritual highs for two reasons:
1, there are setbacks, challenges and difficulties in real life that aren't in the Christian bubble
2, they don't see the excitement for God and enthusiasm for Him back at church

The whole conversation threw up loads of challenges about how we do youthwork, but the 2nd point above is a real challenge to the church as well. How are we modelling an alive faith to our young people. In many ways I came away from tonight thinking that our young people are on fire for God and want to show but feel they can't when they don't see signs of real faith in the churches they attend.

This obviously throws up questions and thoughts on a number of levels. How have you addressed some of the issues raised?

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