Monday 8 December 2008

Are you???

Are you a river or are you a lake?

Although it has been a while since I last studied physical geography I think I would be correct in saying that generally rivers flow and lakes are still. Now obviously, it is not a hugely scientific or ground breaking statement but it is generally true!

Let me rephrase it....

Are you moving or are you at a standstill?

For sometime you may have noticed that my blog has been at a bit of a standstill. Lots has happened (including getting married!!) life has been busy and unfortunately the blog hasn't been of greatest priority. But in an attempt to reverse the norm I am going to try and start blogging again with popular demand from Chris Kidd!!

Question 2 : Are you a tributary or a pool?

Here's a thought.... God's grace doesn't just come up to us so we can roll up our trousers and paddle in it, but it completely covers us, flooding over us like a river in monsoon season. If God's grace is the river, are we the tributary that takes that flow to other places or are we the pool where it stays and eventually becomes stagnant?

Tributaries continue the flow!

We have been given grace free of charge, but yet often as Christians we often keep it to ourselves instead of sharing the wealth. I know I am guilty of that. I am sure that we could all think of opportunities or circumstance, even this day, where we have not shared the grace of God that we know....

My prayer is that we might be tributaries of grace....

In my readings today I realised that Jesus genealogy (Matt 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-28) displays so vividly God's grace. In that list we see a prostitute, a murderer, an adulterer, someone who married foreign women and an amazingly wicked king, to name a few. That list challenged me!! That is the grace of God in action, right there in the ancestry of Jesus.

Is the grace of God in action in and through us?
Tributary or pool??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! You've started blogging again. Well done - and about time too........