1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five other people.
I very rarely would do anything like this but thought I'd give it a go to entertain my curiousity. Here's what I found;
The book: Knowing God, J.I.Packer, 1973
The sentences: Rather the reverse, He made us with the intention that He and we might walk together forever in a love relationship. But such a relationship can only exist when the parties involved know something of each other.God our maker knows all about us before we say anything, but we can know nothing about Him unless He tells us!
It was such an amazing few sentences that I thought I must blog on it. I was reminded in the middle of a random activity that we were created to walk with and be in relationship with God. I know it's simple, but isn't it an amazing thought! God knows all about us, our everything, even the bits we're ashamed of. There's nothing that we can do to stop God knowing about us, He knows! I am challenged to heed that, God knows my shame yet doesn't reject me for it and offers to help me through it! He knows my inmost being and still loves me! Love demands a response, and our response to such love should be to transform those areas of our lives that need changing, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit!
1 comment:
"Leadership Next" by Eddie Gibbs
Sometimes, an 'off-the-wall' idea contains a spark of genius. In a well-managed brainstorming session, a wide range of ideas can be raised without the fear that other team members will dismiss an idea out of hand and put down the individual who had made the suggestion. Creative teams intentionally include individuals who think 'outside of the box'.
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