Thursday 12 July 2007


As I sat in conversation in my favourite coffee shop today I marvelled at the God who created us.
Isn't it amazing that as well as everything else that God gives, He gives the gift of time!

God is outside of time, yet gives us time and gives us the responsibility of deciding how we spend our time!
We all have 24 hours, 7 days a week - how will you spend yours?

I've been challenged about how I spend mine, and I know that I have to be more effective in the way I spend time, both in and out of work. I need to prioritise my time. First, to God, then to relationships, then to work!

God promises that if we seek Him first, all things will be added unto us (Matt 6 vs 33) Time with, and time set apart for God has to be the top priority when we divide up our time.

I am challenged by the thought - How do we spend our time? Does the way I spend my time bring glory to God?
Challenging thoughts because when we start to grasp the answers to these questions, we start to grasp a life of worship that goes beyond our church buildings and holy days! Its a life that in all aspects prioritises God!

Challenging, but exciting!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

spend it well brother,
it's a precious and finite resource,
BE well and the doing starts to take care of itself!